This is My Story
Nationality: Danish and Swedish
Nordic Consulting Group AB
Resident in Sweden
Mobile: +46 70 268 50 14
Email: anja.nordlund(at)
Sociologist; Head of Board and Partner in NCG Sweden
M.Sc in International Development Studies and Public Management, University of Roskilde (2000), individual courses and trainings in e.g. cultural policies, EU social policies, gender analysis, managing for results, and strategic communication.
Country Experience
Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Denmark, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel/Palestine, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Liberia, Macedonia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Serbia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
Sector Experience
More than 14 years of experience in the field of gender, more than 10 years in Results Based Management, public reforms, infrastructure, and CSR.
Key Qualification
Sociologist specialised in gender equality and gender mainstreaming working with private enterprises and the development cooperation, ranging from gender analysis, trainings, and coaching to reach better results by applying a gender and diversity perspective (decentralisation, enforcement, urban safety, CSR, management, performance). She is also hired for designing and carrying out trainings and coaching on gender and measuring results.
She has since 2007 been working with large scale investments (e.g. water, sanitation, solid waste, electrification, district heating, environment, irrigation), where she carry through social due diligence and audits, gender mainstreaming, gender monitoring, customer surveys with a gender perspective, analyse and coach private and public infrstructure companies on equal opportunities.
Anja is also managing large contracts as teamleader in gender mainstreaming investments.
She uses trainings tools to to increase stakeholder engagement and client ownership for sustainable project implementation in private entperprises, investment objects and development agents. She is contracted by private Swedish firms, the World Bank (WB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), UN system, the European Comission (EC), Sida and Swedish embassies, DfID, the Dutch Foreign Ministry and a range of international NGOs.
Danish – mother tongue
English – full proficiency
Spanish – full proficiency
Swedish – full proficiency
German – intermediary
French – basic
Russian – beginner
This is My Story
Nationality Swedish
Resident in Sweden
Nordic Consulting Group AB
Mobile: +46 768 866812
Economist with long experience from the implementation and management of development cooperation in agriculture and rural development, water supply and sanitation, and conservation of the environment.
M.B.A. with major in marketing economics from the Gothenburg School of Economics (1966); B.A. with major in modern languages from University of Gothenburg (1967)
Country Experience
Experience Resident in Sweden, U.K., Belgium, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Sudan, Sierra Leone; worked in Tanzania, Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda, Rwanda, Angola, Botswana, India, Pakistan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Serbia, Macedonia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Zambia.
Sector Experience
Experience Johan Holmberg has extensive experience from development cooperation and from leading missions for purposes of project identification, supervision and evaluation. He worked for Sida and SAREC, two Swedish aid agencies, for 17 years, and an important part of this work was to head missions with in-house staff and external consultants. He has been responsible for Sida’s work in agriculture, rural development, water resources management, and conservation of the environment, and is well familiar with all forms of development cooperation. He has lived for extended periods in four African countries for a total of 14 years. On leave of absence from his regular employer he has also done research on issues relating to the environment and to development as well as consulting work for the World Bank, IUCN, the EC and other agencies. He was one of the founders of the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and served as its first Executive Secretary concurrently with being Assistant Director General at Sida. He has been a member of the Council (board) of IUCN and of the board of the CGIAR institute CIMMYT (research on wheat and maize). Having served as Swedish ambassador to Ethiopia and Chargé d’Affaires in Mozambique, he also has a keen understanding of African politics.
Recent experience
Twenty one years experience from Development Cooperation and Fifteen years working with gender equality issues, inclusion of Since resigning from the Swedish government in 2003, Johan Holmberg has
worked on consulting assignments relating to conservation of the environment,
water resources management, and water supply and sanitation. He has also been
associated part time with the EC for the EU Water Initiative.
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Swedish Mother tongue
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Basic Basic Basic
German Basic Basic Basic
Portuguese Basic Basic Basic
Russian Some Some Some
Spanish Some Some Some
- Gender 100%
- Results Based Management 90%
- Public reforms 80%
- Infrastructure 60%
- CSR 50%

My Recent Work