For this framework agreement, NCG Sweden forms a consortium with Hera, an international partnership of health sector experts, as the lead partner. The consortium holds the first rank and will provide consultancy services to Norad for health in development context, contributing to increased knowledge base for the continued implementation of the Norwegian global health policy.

The framework agreement includes two distinct yet interconnected portfolios: A and B.

  • Portfolio A: Health systems (including health security and public health)


  • Country-level progress in progressively realizing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) – priority setting, coverage of key services, household expenditure.
  • Health sector reform with a special emphasis on Primary HealthCare (PHC).
  • Portfolio B: SRHR, harmful practices and LGBTI+


  • SRHR, including family planning/modern contraceptives, comprehensive sexual education (CSE), legal and safe abortions, HIV, maternal mortality and morbidity demographic issues, including demographic dividend.
  • Equity in access, advocacy, demand and rights to the above.
  • Harmful practice such as female genital mutilation and early, forced and child marriages, and gender-based violence.
  • Leaving no-one behind, including rights and equitable provision and access of services for marginalized groups and individuals, such as LGBTI+.
  • International funding trends to SRHR, including domestic resource mobilization.
  • SRHR in humanitarian settings.

The experts provide the following types of services to Norad:

  • Development of technical and analytical program-related documents such as studies, briefs, concept notes and reviews.
  • Technical advice regarding country program implementation.
  • Reporting on results relevant for Norwegian global health efforts.