Result Based Management (with illustration proposal)
NCG Sweden was one of the companies awarded a new framework agreement to assist Sida to strengthen the capacity of partner organisations in using Result Based Management (RBM) in their development cooperation.
The contract is a recognition of NCG’s capacity and longstanding experience in helping organisations and organisations to improve their management system to plan, monitor, evaluate and report results in programs and projects.
Examples of assignments under framework agreement include:
- Assistance to Sida’s s partners in formulating their vision and mission and in clarifying their core competences and value added.
- Assistance to Sida’s partners in organisational capacity analysis.
- Assistance to Sida’s partners in formulating a results framework, including linking programme/project objectives to strategic objectives.
- Facilitation to Sida’s partners in making explicit a theory of change including ng the
identification of key assumptions and risks.
- Support to Sida’s partners in the design and use of monitoring and evaluation systems,
including identification of indicators and baselines, data collection and analyse is, results communication and reporting.
- Assistance to Sida’s partners to integrate organisational learning into their performance
NCG won the contract in with INTRAC, an international NGO research and training centre based in Oxford, United Kingdom and SEBAS, a Stockholm based consultancy company specialised in capacity building of organisations and companies.
The contract is valid from 1 July 2016 and for two years, with a possible extension for another two.
To learn more about NCG’s approach to RBM related methodology click here