NCG Sweden leads the consortium comprised of NCG Norway and ADE for this framework agreement. This includes in total a pool of 10 senior consultants and 9 consultants. The consortium is ranked in third place.

The overall thematic focus of this framework agreement with Norad is related to REDD+, including land use planning, sustainable food systems and forest law enforcement. Additionally, green economy and low carbon development are also thematic focus areas. The framework agreement is mainly, but not exclusively, used for consultancy services related to the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI). The consultancy services normally fall within four different types of assignments:


  • Project proposal appraisals ahead of funding decisions.

    Within this type of assignment, experts can expect to assess the following (among others):

    • Consideration of crosscutting issues such as anti-corruption measures, gender and human rights, and how these will be addressed in both monitoring and implementation
    • Results framework with goal hierarchy/result chain and timeline
    • Efficiency and effectiveness of a budget that corresponds with the results framework
    • Local/national ownership and long-term sustainability, relevance and links to broader plans and policies of the country
  • Mid-term and end-reviews (following the OECD DAC principles for evaluating development assistance).
  • Technical assessments (which could be follow-up on recommendations from reviews and appraisals).
  • Technical assistance to partner institutions, including capacity building and training.