Global Gender Help Desk (Sida)
The aim with the help desk is to provide methodological support to Sida and Swedish Embassies globally to ensure that gender issues is adequately analysed and integrated into Sida project management processes. A specific goal is to increase the skills and abilities of aid managers, administrators and partners to improve conditions for the performance of programs and projects.
Support includes analysis of procedures, country portfolios, country strategies across a range of sectors and sub-sectors, and reviewing applications, assessment memos, monitoring and evaluation reports.
NCG consultants also train Sida and their partners’ staff (including management) on gender issues in different countries and contexts.
Areas of work are primarily strengthening women’s economic empowerment, improving women’s participation in decision processes, take concrete actions to combat sexual and gender-based violence, and promote awareness of masculinity and conflict sensitivity.
Sida’s own instruments to mainstream gender is the starting point for NCG’s method of support.
More than 100 missions have been carried out since 2012, in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.