The Helpdesk is a thematic support service for Sida staff and partners, commissioned to back Sida’s longstanding commitment to gender equality in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. It can provide training, reviews, analysis etc. to assist Sida staff in ensuring that gender issues are adequately analysed and integrated in all stages of Sida’s contribution management processes. A further purpose is to increase the skills and abilities of Sida staff and partners to promote gender equality and improve conditions for the performance of programs and projects.
NCG-run Sida Gender Help Desk explained
Nordic Consulting Group Sweden has been running Sida’s gender helpdesk since the beginning of 2020. This is the third gender help desk to Sida since 2012. The services include support to already existing structures at Sida that aim to strengthen the capacity of Sida staff in Stockholm and in missions abroad to incorporate gender equality perspective in all Sida’s development cooperation programming. NCG-run gender help desk can include assignments of up to 80 hours and services such as assessing gender capacity of missions and Sida’s partners, capacity building on gender mainstreaming, etc. See the short video and find out more!