Nordic Consulting Group Sweden is one of several companies of Nordic Consulting Group (NCG), a group of research and consultancy companies with offices in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin-America

NCG Sweden offers research and advisory services in international cooperation and development and business development. The group has more than 100 professional partners in political and social science, economics and business development and resource management with broad international experience speaking Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portugese etc.

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Calling all interns!

As per NCG’s standard practice, NCG continues to use FUF as the sole channel to recruit interns. Information and applications via: https://fuf.se/nordic-consulting-group-ncg-sweden-ab-2/

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Corruption- a gendered issue

Corruption from a gender perspective can be seen through a series of different questions, highlighting the issue in different ways. This article by Regina Petrushenko will briefly describe the connection between corruption and gender equality. Gender and corruption

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Gender work at Sida and women’s rights activist

Kigali 24-27 of September 2018 I was privileged to be invited as a gender equality resource person to the regional meeting in Kigali with Sida and Swedish embassy gender focal points for the African region. Positive energy and recognition of the important individual,...

Gender mainstreaming of target groups

Gender mainstreaming is about making the needs, opportunities and challenges of women, men, girls and boys visible and act accordingly. Being more aware about your target group  you engage with for whatever project, process or organizational development, is a key step...

Supporting local governance in Northern Iraq

Nordic Consulting Group has recently won a three year advisory services assignment with SKL International in Iraq, starting October 2018. Ms. Delvin Arsan is NCG’s representative for Component leader for the component north for a project aimed at supporting local...

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