Gender sensitive monitoring

A central step for gender mainstreaming is to be clear about the WHO. Who are the people you work with? What do they want and not? What do they do and not? How does this affect your project activites and how does this affect you monitoring of results? Here you find...

Comprehensive baselines, participation is key

Baselines are complicated matters, especially global ones where various partners are involved. Here are some key learnings we have gathered from setting up global baselines: Make sure your partners understand and agree to what you want to achieve together (preferably...

Environmental Service Project in Albania

Since 2015 the Ministry of Tourism and Environment is implementing the Environmental Service Project in Albania with support by Sida and the World Bank. Amongst activities are forest and pasture management planning, national forest inventory, grants to farmers and...

Rwanda Broadcasting Agency

Rwanda improved its position – from number 159 in 2017 to number 156 in 2018 on the global media freedom index produced by Reporter without borders, covering 180 countries. Swedish Radio Media Development Office (SR MDO) is supporting Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA)...

Gender work at Sida and women’s rights activist

Kigali 24-27 of September 2018 I was privileged to be invited as a gender equality resource person to the regional meeting in Kigali with Sida and Swedish embassy gender focal points for the African region. Positive energy and recognition of the important individual,...

Gender mainstreaming of target groups

Gender mainstreaming is about making the needs, opportunities and challenges of women, men, girls and boys visible and act accordingly. Being more aware about your target group  you engage with for whatever project, process or organizational development, is a key step...

Supporting local governance in Northern Iraq

Nordic Consulting Group has recently won a three year advisory services assignment with SKL International in Iraq, starting October 2018. Ms. Delvin Arsan is NCG’s representative for Component leader for the component north for a project aimed at supporting local...

Territorial peace initiative in four Colombian municipalities

Starting in September 2018, NCG will conduct a Mid-term review of a project aimed at strengthen national and municipal capacity to promote territorial peace in Colombia. The project, Fortalecimiento Institucional y Ciudadano para el Desarollo Territorial...

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