by ncgsw | Nov 18, 2022 | news
NCG is happy to announce the finalisation of a major evaluation titled Evaluation of Sida’s support to education: Lessons learned from 20 years and 5 countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia and Tanzania). The evaluation was commissioned in 2021 and...
by ncgsw | Nov 2, 2022 | news, Uncategorized
NCG is engaged in the ISO standardisation process for guidelines for the promotion and implementation of gender equality (ISO/PC 337). The work is led by the French National Standard Institute (AFNOR) and reaches approximately 180 countries worldwide. From the Swedish...
by ncgsw | Oct 17, 2022 | news
Swedfund is a Swedish development finance institution which has taken fast and important steps in recent years to protect/prevent against SEASH in their investments. NCG supports the cooperation between Kvinna till Kvinna and Swedfund in the development of a fund...
by ncgsw | Oct 8, 2022 | news
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 has been announced. One of the three Peace Prize laureates this year is the Centre for Civil Liberties from Ukraine, whom NCG had the opportunity to work with during the Sida-funded Civil Society Systems Help program (2017-2019). The...
by ncgsw | Jul 19, 2022 | news
We are looking for an intern to join NCG Sweden for a physical/on-site internship starting from Week 35 (August 29, 2022)! The internship will last for an academic semester, corresponding to the academic calendar used by Swedish universities. With NCG, you get to...
by ncgsw | Jul 19, 2022 | news
The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) is a public capacity building institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. With a vision of contributing to sound economic management and sustained development in Sub-Saharan Africa, AERC offers research cooperation,...