by ncgsw | Feb 13, 2019 | news
NCG collaborates with the FUF internship programme – read more at – apply to FUF before 1 March...
by ncgsw | Feb 5, 2019 | news
During 2018 the Gender Help Desk to Sida, undertaken by Nordic Consulting Group, carried out 35 assignments for the Sida departments EuroLatin, Africa, and HumAsia (Asia, Middle East and Humanitarian Assistance). A positive trend was noted with more assignments of...
by ncgsw | Feb 4, 2019 | news
On behalf of Sida, Nordic Consulting Group is carrying out a major study mapping global actors working within the area of gender-based violence. These actors are organisations, funds, institutions, networks and others working to prevent, reduce and sanction practices...
by ncgsw | Jan 31, 2019 | news
January 31, 2019NCG Sweden is conducting an end of project evaluation of Green Forum’s capacity building actor in Eastern Europe – Cooperation and Development Network (CDN). CDN is an east European transnational network focusing on young greens and their...
by ncgsw | Dec 7, 2018 | news
As part of the Kosovo Environment Programme, implemented in consortium with FCG and Eptisa, a strategic planning workshop on gender equality was conducted with the gender equality, the Equal Opportunities and non-discrimination officer and designated team of...
by ncgsw | Nov 29, 2018 | news
Nordic Consulting Group will be carrying out an evaluation for FBA of their Peacebuilding Programme in DRC. The evaluation will be carried out between January-June 2019. The evaluation will focus on assessing the programme according to OECD-DAC evaluation criteria and...