by ncgsw | Apr 18, 2019 | news
Sida has awarded NCG three new framework agreements (FWAs) for the period 2019-2021:Result-Based Management, including Adaptive Management, is a new framework agreement to support Sida and its partners in the development and implementation of methods and routines for...
by ncgsw | Apr 14, 2019 | news
During spring 2019, NCG (Anna Lidström and Maria Holmqvist) has supported ActionAid Sweden with drafting a strategic plan for the international programme department.The work has facilitated a further concretisation of programme goals and priorities in countries and...
by ncgsw | Apr 8, 2019 | news
NCG Sweden is conducting a Mid–term review of Statistics Sweden’s (SCB) cooperation with Guatemala’s national statistics agency INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas). The review includes field work in Guatemala by an evaluator (Jocke Nyberg), and support on...
by ncgsw | Feb 13, 2019 | news
NCG collaborates with the FUF internship programme – read more at – apply to FUF before 1 March...
by ncgsw | Feb 5, 2019 | news
During 2018 the Gender Help Desk to Sida, undertaken by Nordic Consulting Group, carried out 35 assignments for the Sida departments EuroLatin, Africa, and HumAsia (Asia, Middle East and Humanitarian Assistance). A positive trend was noted with more assignments of...
by ncgsw | Feb 4, 2019 | news
On behalf of Sida, Nordic Consulting Group is carrying out a major study mapping global actors working within the area of gender-based violence. These actors are organisations, funds, institutions, networks and others working to prevent, reduce and sanction practices...