Evaluation of Alliance building for OPC

Nordic Consulting Group has won the assignment to do an evaluation for Olof Palme Center to assess the current level of understanding of the principle of alliance building within OPC, member and partner organisations and assess its influence within the framework of...

Rwanda Broadcasting Agency

Rwanda improved its position – from number 159 in 2017 to number 156 in 2018 on the global media freedom index produced by Reporter without borders, covering 180 countries. Swedish Radio Media Development Office (SR MDO) is supporting Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA)...

Water and gender in Kosovo

15 October 2018 The 9 and 10 of October, NCG carried out a gender and water roundtable withìn the Kosovo Environment Project (KEP), managed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning, financed by Sida and coordinated by Finnish Consulting Group. Highlights...

Gender work at Sida and women’s rights activist

Kigali 24-27 of September 2018 I was privileged to be invited as a gender equality resource person to the regional meeting in Kigali with Sida and Swedish embassy gender focal points for the African region. Positive energy and recognition of the important individual,...