15 October 2018
The 9 and 10 of October, NCG carried out a gender and water roundtable withìn the Kosovo Environment Project (KEP), managed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning, financed by Sida and coordinated by Finnish Consulting Group.
Highlights from the key note speech, delivered by senior gender equality and equal opportunities expert Anja Taarup Nordlund, with support from Ulf Färnsveden:
- Why and how does water projects affect and benefit men and women differently.
- Women, men, girls and boys have different roles and division of labor, also related to water resources: Productive, Reproductive, Community.
- Why consider social aspects in – smart economics and human rights.
Participants came from the Inter-Ministerial Water council, advisors in the Prime Minister’s Office, Kosovo Water companies, Ministry of Environment, a large number of parliamentarians, the Gender Agency of Kosovo and donor representatives, including Sida and the World Bank. Links to Kosovo media outlets covering the event. :