Welcome to Nordic Consulting Group - NCG



Nordic Consulting Group Sweden is one of several companies of Nordic Consulting Group (NCG), a group of research and consultancy companies with offices in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin-America.

NCG Sweden offers research and advisory services in international cooperation and development and business development. The group has more than 100 professional partners in political and social science, economics and business development and resource management with broad international experience speaking Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portugese etc.


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Water and gender in Kosovo

15 October 2018 The 9 and 10 of October, NCG carried out a gender and water roundtable withìn the Kosovo Environment Project (KEP), managed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning, financed by Sida and coordinated by Finnish Consulting Group. Highlights...

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Gender Budgeting

NCG Sweden organised a two-day workshop on Gender Responsive Budgeting, held at the NCG-office in Bromma, Sweden. The workshop was led by Nicole Farnsworth, an experienced activist and researcher from the Kosovo Womens Network´. It combined theory, practice, examples...

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