by ncgsw | Sep 28, 2018 | news
For details, see (Swedish):...
by ncgsw | Sep 20, 2018 | news
NCG Sweden organised a two-day workshop on Gender Responsive Budgeting, held at the NCG-office in Bromma, Sweden. The workshop was led by Nicole Farnsworth, an experienced activist and researcher from the Kosovo Womens Network´. It combined theory, practice, examples...
by ncgsw | Sep 3, 2018 | news
Nordic Consulting Group has recently won a three year advisory services assignment with SKL International in Iraq, starting October 2018. Ms. Delvin Arsan is NCG’s representative for Component leader for the component north for a project aimed at supporting local...
by ncgsw | Aug 30, 2018 | news
Starting in September 2018, NCG will conduct a Mid-term review of a project aimed at strengthen national and municipal capacity to promote territorial peace in Colombia. The project, Fortalecimiento Institucional y Ciudadano para el Desarollo Territorial (FOINCIDE),...
by ncgsw | Jul 27, 2018 | news
NCG won a contract with Swedish Radio (SR) to support the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA) on results-based management and gender mainstreaming. SR carries out development projects with counterparts in low-and middle income countries with fiancial support from...
by ncgsw | Jul 20, 2018 | news
On behalf of Finnish Consulting Group, NCG is supporting the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility based in Stockholm with results-based management and gender mainstreaming. The Tenure Facility is an international organisation, established 2014 with...