by ncgsw | Dec 11, 2019 | news
NCG has concluded an evaluation of Sida’s support to BIRN Albania, an organisation combining investigate journalism, capacity building of local journalists and producing in-depth studies related to corruption and anti–-corruption. BIRN stands for Balkan Investigate...
by ncgsw | Dec 6, 2019 | news
On December 6, the three NCG offices (Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo) held their annual meeting, this time in Oslo to update each other on past events and learnings and discuss future possibilities. The three offices also meet online quarterly for a short update...
by ncgsw | Dec 5, 2019 | news
Gender Experts from NCG carried out a training with the gender and steering groups for the Kosovo Environment Programme, where NCG supports capacity building of Ministry of Environment. The training took place in Sharri Mountains, south eastern Kosovo, in...
by ncgsw | Dec 3, 2019 | news
NCG provided a short introduction into Gender Responsive Budgeting for a team of young Belarusian professionals who were on a study visit to Sweden as part of the ’School of Young Managers in Public Administration’ program. The study visit was organised by FCG...
by ncgsw | Nov 30, 2019 | news
NCG Sweden is increasing the cooperation with Sweden’s public authorities engaged in development cooperation in a number of countries and different thematic areas. Recent assignments include support on Result–Based Management and project proposal for Swedish Civil...
by ncgsw | Nov 28, 2019 | news
NCG’s evaluator and partner Jocke Nyberg took part in a 2.5-day training course on Outcome Harvesting in Bristol, United Kingdom, organised by two senior experts and members of the Outcome Harvest Community, Richard Smith and Goele Scheers. Outcome Harvesting is an...