- Framework agreement with the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
NCG Sweden is in a two-year agreement with Tenure Facility – a non-project organization that provides grants to secure the rights of indigenous people and local communities to their lands and forests. The agreement is in effect until December 2023. NCG provides a pool of six experts who are available to provide expertise within two focus areas: institutional support and project partners support.
Within the institutional support, the experts will be available to provide services such as capacity building of the secretariat on governance issues, institutional building, strategic decision-making issues, results-based management, global positioning, etc. In addition, separate expertise is available to support Tenure Facility’s project partners with assignments such as: technical assistance and competence development related to project implementation, results management, procurement, financial internal control and reporting practices, country analyses, identification of new partnerships and project possibilities, etc.
- Framework agreement on diversity and inclusion (Mångfald och Inkludering) with ALMI Business Partners
NCG Sweden has received a framework agreement with ALMI Business Partners in the area of diversity and inclusion. ALMI is not an abbreviation but an invented word that comes from the Latin word Almus – meaning growing and nourishing. ALMI Business Partner is 100% owned by the Swedish State. The agreement that NCG has received applies to Stockholm and Sörmland regions. It concerns the provision of consulting services to smaller private companies in the regions through supporting them in setting and achieving goals, strategies and actions for increased diversity and inclusion. The contract period is two years.