Maria Holmqvist, Associated Partner


Facilitator and Result-Based Management Expert

Certified stress-consultant (SMC, Stockholm, 2003; and HumaNova, Stockholm, 2002‐2003), Studies in intercultural relations and migration in Sweden (Certified, EU (LFA), 1998); Leadership and group dynamics (Mercuri Urval) 1988, Short-term courses in Conflict Resolution, Human Resource Development, Planning Methodology (Child Care Department, Municipality of Stockholm, 1986-1993) Studies in medicine and psychology (three years – Bachelor); Pedagogics (Bachelor)

Key qualifications
Specialist in Result-Based Management, monitoring and evaluation Systems (M&E) and organizational development. International LFA/RBM-facilitation with over twenty years’ experience working as a consultant. Using LFA-methodology, Maria facilitates processes where people design visions and projects aiming to change the societies they exist in. Assignments vary, but generally focus on  project planning, and M&E – often supporting organizations, authorities and companies through entire project cycles. Good  knowledge of Sida’s internal project management system with experience of coaching partners on how they can relate to the system. Specific actions include facilitation and training of managers and program officers at UN agencies in Guatemala with a focus on the use of M&E systems. Maria also facilitated the design of UNICEF Bolivia’s country program. Maria’s experience of working with international NGOs is extensive, With assignments performed for Save the Children Sweden, Diakonia, Caritas, The Red Cross, Individuell Människohjälp (IM) and WWF, among others. She Has also carried out many missions for various Sida departments and their partners, including private sector development e.g. NIR (International Council of industry) and the Swedish Trade Council (Business Sweden). Many of these assignments were long-term (2-5 years).

Sector experience
Twenty years of experience in development cooperation in the field of result steering, monitoring & evaluation (M&E) and organizational development in several sectors: Culture, Human Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Private Sector Development, Rural development, Civil Society, Democratic Development, and Gender.

Country experience
Bolivia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Brazil, Belize, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Liberia, Iraq, India, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Peru, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam.

Spanish – Mother tongue
Swedish – Full proficiency
English – Full proficiency
French – Basic
Portuguese – Basic

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