Nordic Consulting Group’s expertise covers a range of theoretical and practical aspects of human rights which are at the core of development cooperation and development: how and why a human rights based approach (HRBA) empower people to overcome situations living in poverty and often challenge governments to respect, protect and fulfil their human rights obligations.
To make advocacy more effective, Nordic Consulting Group provides clients with knowledge and tools to interact with global and regional monitoring systems and bodies of human rights. This work empowers local organisations and strengthens their capacity to hold governments accountable.
Example: Evaluation of global network for LGBTI rights
The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) is a transnational network of 1,300 organisations working for the respect and protection of the human rights of LGBTI people. Nordic Consulting Group evaluated ILGA’s implementation of its strategic plan using an assessment of its relevance for local member organisations, and its effectiveness to contribute to structural changes in favour of LGTBI rights.
One of the positive findings was that ILGA contributed to the establishment of an “Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity”, which is part of the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council.