Gender Equality (Sida)

Nordic Consulting Group was awarded a framework agreement with Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) in early 2018 on gender equality with the purpose to provide Sida and its partners at global level with a number of support services. The agreement may run for up to four years.

Sweden and a number of other governments have made gender equality a top priority in their development cooperation. Centuries of systematic, hidden or un-reflected discrimination against women and girls needs attention at all levels. In Sweden’s Aid Policy Framework women and girls are the most important target group within the efforts to reach the overall goal which is to create conditions for improved quality of life for people living in poverty and oppression.


The Swedish government highlights in the policy framework that a gender perspective shall be mainstreamed throughout the cooperation. Five thematic areas are of particular importance:


  • Women’s political participation and influence
  • Women’s economic empowerment and working conditions
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
  • Education for women and girls
  • Women’s security including gender based violence (GBV) and trafficking in human beings

Nordic Consulting Group’s gender equality experts will provide Sida and its partners with support regarding:

NCG’s gender equality experts will provide Sida and its partners with support regarding, among others:

  • Country/context analysis and other input in results strategy processes, including operationalisation, contribution management processes, including feasibility studies and appraisals
  • Country/context analysis for input to humanitarian and/or country/ needs assessments
  • Support and advice to partners and/or Sida when developing programmes and projects and during implementation of programmes
  • Support, advice to and coaching of Sida in global, regional and country level advocacy efforts, dialogue and negotiations
  • Portfolio reviews, desk studies, production of method support documents
  • Capacity development, including training such as short courses, development of training material, organising seminars etc.
  • Studies and analytical reports, thematic background documents, discussion papers, academic studies and overviews
  • Short- and long-term method support, including strengthening of Results Based Management (RBM) in programme and strategy development
  • Assessments e.g. outcome assessments
  • Coaching of individual Sida staff on how to improve efforts on gender equality e.g. shorter inputs and strategic advice to persons in management positions
  • Advice on the use of indicators for monitoring and follow-up of projects, programmes and policy goal formulations.
Nordic Consulting Group - Gender equaltiy