NCGs experts have years of experience performing practical field work related to risk assessment and mitigation, management and institutional strengthening, due diligence and screening, impact assessments in especially large scale investments.
Experts have worked with standards such as the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standard, EBRD Performance Requirements, ISO 26000, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.
NCG Sweden has since 2007 increased the provision of services within social risk assessments and auditing (incl. on-site evaluations and reporting on labour and working conditions, indigenous rights, community health, safety and security, cultural heritage) and development of risk mitigation strategies (social/environmental/financial) especially in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Example: CSR training for business in difficult markets
NCG Consultants have designed and implemented a range of CSR courses for private business, authorities and NGOs in basic CSR; CSR and difficult markets, and CSR and gender equality