Our consultant Ulf Färnsveden has carried out a gender spot-check on World Wildlife Fund and their partners: WWF Kenya, WWF Namibia and WWF Africa Youth Thematic Hub, as well as their cooperation partners and rightsholders.
A spot-check is a quick organisational gender analysis and an operational analysis of an organisation’s work with partners where only a small sample is used. This is useful to see how well WWF is mainstreaming the gender perspective in their external work. The internal organisational assessment focuses on how well gender is mainstreamed in the following themes: 1) Gender frameworks, 2) Resources, 3) Knowledge, 4) Systems, and 5) Communication, and if there is appropriate management support for gender mainstreaming.
“We see equality between people of all genders as both a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people-centered development.” – WWF
The gender spot-check of WWF is an assignment under the Sida Framework Agreement on Gender Equality. For more information about this and other ongoing framework agreements with Sida, please visit: https://ncgsw.se/project/sida-agreements/