Assignment Description Department/Embassy Expert
Gender entry points to “Fortalecimiento de la resilencia de los hogares en el corredor seco de Guatemala para vivir major”. Input and identification of entry points regarding gender mainstreaming within the provided concept note. Embassy of Sweden in Guatemala Ulf Färnsveden
Gender assessment of the program “Safe and Inclusive Trade Horizons for Developing Countries”. Review the program from a gender perspective by looking at some key documents and provide recommendations.. GLOBEC, SIDA Anja Taarup Nordlund
Review of the “Sida Gender and Poverty Brief” Sida and provide input for changes.
See under assignment. Thematic Support Unit, Sida Shereen Allam
Review and update of Sida´s gender equality briefs on:
– Gender Analysis
– Gender Mainstreaming
– How Sida works with Gender Equality.
Review and update the briefs, including assessing how other multilaterals (UN and OECD-DAC esp.) and Swedish government use the gender integration concepts. INTEM/TEMA Shereen Allam
Draft outline of a SEA/H module for Sida. Reveiw existing materials, including guidelines, training materials, position statements and e-learnings on SEAH and provide draft outline of a SEAH module. Thematic Support Unit, Sida Viktoria Saxby
Definition of 9 sub-thematic areas. Desk study to provide an overview of Sida´s existing definitions of selected sub-thematic areas to be used in external/internal communication materials and gender tool box. INTEM/TEMA Anna Lidström
Input to the development cooperation strategy for MENA 2021-2025. Provide gender equality input to the regional development cooperation strategy to the MENA region, with special focus on democracy, HR, environment and peaceful and inclusive societies. Thematic Support Unit Ulf Färnsveden
Input to the strategy for Sweden´s international develoment cooperation with Palestine 2020-2024. Contribute to the up-coming operationalisation process in order to ensure an effective mainstreaming of gender in the three support areas
(1) democracy/HR)Rule of Law/gender,
(2) inclusive economic development and
(3) environment and climate change.
INTEM/TEMA Anja Taarup Nordlund
Revision of Raoul Wallenberg Institute´s gender equality strategy. Review the potential practical effectiveness and efficiency of RWI´s gender equality strategy in context of an ongoing cooperation project. MENA unit at HUMASIA Jane Kiragu
Beog Puuto SoS Sahel Gender Strategy. Review the Gender Strategy for the Beog-Puuto project and provide recommendations for consideration. HUMASIA Paul Dixelius
From Gender blind to Gender sensitive: Transforming Organizations. Provide a description of an organization (fictive) which was gender blind and took measures to become gender sensitive and provide a checklist for organizational assessment of gender equality. Regional Africa Donjeta Morina
OECD-DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker. Review of the gender tool on Gender equality policy marker in accordance with comments provided and devlop an exercise for practicing how to use the gender policy maker. Regional Africa Åsa Eldén
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