Assignment | Description | Department/Embassy | Expert |
Gender entry points to “Fortalecimiento de la resilencia de los hogares en el corredor seco de Guatemala para vivir major”. | Input and identification of entry points regarding gender mainstreaming within the provided concept note. | Embassy of Sweden in Guatemala | Ulf Färnsveden |
Gender assessment of the program “Safe and Inclusive Trade Horizons for Developing Countries”. | Review the program from a gender perspective by looking at some key documents and provide recommendations.. | GLOBEC, SIDA | Anja Taarup Nordlund |
Review of the “Sida Gender and Poverty Brief” Sida and provide input for changes. |
See under assignment. | Thematic Support Unit, Sida | Shereen Allam |
Review and update of Sida´s gender equality briefs on: – Gender Analysis – Gender Mainstreaming – How Sida works with Gender Equality. |
Review and update the briefs, including assessing how other multilaterals (UN and OECD-DAC esp.) and Swedish government use the gender integration concepts. | INTEM/TEMA | Shereen Allam |
Draft outline of a SEA/H module for Sida. | Reveiw existing materials, including guidelines, training materials, position statements and e-learnings on SEAH and provide draft outline of a SEAH module. | Thematic Support Unit, Sida | Viktoria Saxby |
Definition of 9 sub-thematic areas. | Desk study to provide an overview of Sida´s existing definitions of selected sub-thematic areas to be used in external/internal communication materials and gender tool box. | INTEM/TEMA | Anna Lidström |
Input to the development cooperation strategy for MENA 2021-2025. | Provide gender equality input to the regional development cooperation strategy to the MENA region, with special focus on democracy, HR, environment and peaceful and inclusive societies. | Thematic Support Unit | Ulf Färnsveden |
Input to the strategy for Sweden´s international develoment cooperation with Palestine 2020-2024. | Contribute to the up-coming operationalisation process in order to ensure an effective mainstreaming of gender in the three support areas (1) democracy/HR)Rule of Law/gender, (2) inclusive economic development and (3) environment and climate change. |
INTEM/TEMA | Anja Taarup Nordlund |
Revision of Raoul Wallenberg Institute´s gender equality strategy. | Review the potential practical effectiveness and efficiency of RWI´s gender equality strategy in context of an ongoing cooperation project. | MENA unit at HUMASIA | Jane Kiragu |
Beog Puuto SoS Sahel Gender Strategy. | Review the Gender Strategy for the Beog-Puuto project and provide recommendations for consideration. | HUMASIA | Paul Dixelius |
From Gender blind to Gender sensitive: Transforming Organizations. | Provide a description of an organization (fictive) which was gender blind and took measures to become gender sensitive and provide a checklist for organizational assessment of gender equality. | Regional Africa | Donjeta Morina |
OECD-DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker. | Review of the gender tool on Gender equality policy marker in accordance with comments provided and devlop an exercise for practicing how to use the gender policy maker. | Regional Africa | Åsa Eldén |