A message of empowerment on International Women’s Day 2022

This year’s International Women’s Day might not feel like a day of celebration, but one of solidarity with all women, men, girls and boys ravished by wars and conflicts. As have been seen time and time again, wars and conflicts affect women, men, girls and...

Calling would-be Interns

Internship Programme. As for previous semesters, our cooperation with FUF (Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor /The Association for Development Issues) continues. The window for applications to FUF has opened but will close on 27 February 2022. Applications via FUF...

Welcome to the team Mattias

A warm welcome to our new intern, Mattias Törnell, from all of us at NCG Sweden. We wish Mattias a rewarding and enjoyable time with us. Mattias has a bachelor´s degree in Development and International Cooperation from Södertörn Högskola and is currently studying the...

Welcome to the team Duncan

A warm welcome to our new intern, Duncan Sempigga, to the NCG Team Sweden, we wish him a rewarding and educational time with us. Duncan is at the end of his bachelor’s degree in Global Development studies at Södertörn Högskola, specializing in development and...