Support to gender in Georgia’s enterprise strategy

Anja Nordlund from NCG is supporting Eurasia Partnership Foundation and the Georgian state and non-state actors in a gendered revision and consultations on the Georgian National Strategy for Small and Medium Size Enterprises during spring...

Evaluation of advocacy for LGTBI rights in 130 countries

NCG won the contract of a Sida procured evaluation of the transnational network the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), with 1,220 member organisations in more than 130 countries. It will be conducted between April and August...

Mid-term review of the EMPOWER

Private Sector Project in Kosovo NCG won the contract for a mid-term review of a multi-donor supported initiative in Kosovo aimed at increasing the competitiveness of small- and medium-sized enterprises, specially job creation for women and capacity building. NCG’s...

Evaluation of Transitional

NCG’s Jocke Nyberg and HINABU’s Heidi Abuchaibe have completed an evaluation in Colombia of Sweden’s support to the country program 2015-2017 of the International Center for Transitional...

8 March, new and old reasons to celebrate

NCG celebrates today the knowledge, the ability and the strengths of women and girls across the globe, who fight for their human rights – and the men and boys who fight along their side. International Women’s Day celebrates women and recognises their...