Evaluations (Sida)
Nordic Consulting Group is one of the consortia recently awarded a framework agreement for evaluation services by Sida. The contract was finalised in late 2019 and may run for up to four years.
A major factor in this success is our consultants’ extensive experience of carrying out evaluations enabling them to combine methodological aptitudes with practical skills in terms of project management and leadership.
Evaluations under the framework cover all types of evaluations with respect to purpose, evaluation object, progression in the “results chain”, timing and approach. The consideration of a diversity of evaluation approaches and methods, together with the application of reliable and practical methods to determine effects, is important.
Nordic Consulting Group’s consultants have a variety of evaluation competences, and knowledge of different evaluation approaches and methods. They possess the skills, knowledge and experience to provide evaluation services of all types, using diverse evaluation methods and approaches, and in line with the principle of utilisation-focused evaluations (prioritising intended use by intended users). A variety of other evaluation-related services are also on offer.