Gender mainstreaming is about making the needs, opportunities and challenges of women, men, girls and boys visible and act accordingly. Being more aware about your target group you engage with for whatever project, process or organizational development, is a key step for mainstreaming.
Here are 5 simple steps to understand your target group from a gender perspective
- Detail target group into subgroups.
- Are they men, women, boys or girls? (non-binary? depends on context if you will use this option)
- Add if the subgroups belong to a certain ethnic group? What age do they have? Do they live in rural or urban places? Do they have disabilities? Are they well educated or not? Etc.
- Do the subgroups have the same or different possibilities, hinders and needs in life? Do not assume too much – Ask them instead or make use of existing research – back up your analysis with facts.
- Define what subgroups you are going to work with and not work with?
- Be clear why are you working with some and not with others and the reason for this?
- Go back to the aim of your work (e.g. a project, investment or process)
Are you engaging with the right subgroups to reach your aims? Are you engaging with them in the best manner? – Do you need to reconsider the aim or the target group?
Congrats – one step closer to engendering your work!
Author: Anja Nordlund, NCG’s senior Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity Expert
Author: Anja Nordlund, NCG’s senior Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity Expert