RBM / Result Based Management (Sida)

Nordic Consulting Group is one of the companies awarded a new framework agreement in 2019 to assist Sida to strengthen the capacity of partner organisations in using RBM / Results-Based Management in their development cooperation. The agreement may run for up to four years.

The contract is recognition of Nordic Consulting Group’s capacity and long-standing experience in helping organisations improve their management systems to plan, monitor, evaluate and report results in programmes and projects.


Examples of assignments under framework agreement include:

  • Assistance to Sida’s s partners in formulating their vision and mission and in clarifying their core competences and value added
  • Assistance to Sida’s partners in organisational capacity analysis
  • Assistance to Sida’s partners in formulating a results framework, including linking programme/project objectives to strategic objectives
  • Facilitation to Sida’s partners in making explicit a theory of change including the identification of key assumptions and risks
  • Support to Sida’s partners in the design and use of monitoring and evaluation systems, including identification of indicators and baselines, data collection and analyses, results communication and reporting
  • Assistance to Sida’s partners to integrate organisational learning into their performance monitoring.